Member of West Bengal Association of Private Affiliated Schools (WBAPAS), Kolkata
Our NCC Activities
The National Cadet Corps (NCC) is the Indian military cadet corps which works to inculcate the qualities of discipline and patriotism among youth of the nation. It is open to school and college students on voluntary basis. The Cadets are given basic military training in small arms and parades. Some of the main criterias NCC works over to carve the nation builders, are stated below:
Developing the character, discipline , leadership, courage, secular outlook and the sprit of adventure amongst the youth of the country. Training the young cadets to to adopt leadership in every sphere of life so that they are always ready to serve their nation effectively and passionately. Providing a motivational environment to the youth to take up a career in the defence forces.
Training the youth in social service activities like aid to the administration in times of calamities, preservation of environment and ecology, blood donation campaigns, literacy programs and construction and cleanliness drives. Campaigning against the social evils like dowry syatem, female foeticide, child marriage, child labour, drugs, etc, in the form of different Rallies Training the youth for disaster management and relief at the time of war and epidemics